Thank you for your gift

There are many ways to give to UNE, and our team is here to help you with any questions you may have about which way works the best for you. You can review the options below as well as the list of frequently asked questions. Please reach out to a member of the Institutional Advancement professional staff if you need specific information.

How to Give

Gifts to UNE are tax deductible and can be made in a variety of ways, including cash, planned gifts, securities, and more. If you have a question about your philanthropy, please contact Michael Manning, senior director of advancement services, at or (207) 221-4374.



Gifts or pledges may be made through our secure online giving page with your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover Card. You can make a one-time gift or set up a reoccurring gift. If you have questions about our online giving page, please contact Anne Washburne, director of annual giving at (207) 221-4914 or

Give now



Checks can be made payable to University of New England and sent to:

University of New England
C/O Institutional Advancement
716 Stevens Avenue
Portland, ME 04103



For information on transferring gifts of stock, please contact Michael Manning, senior director of Advancement Services at (207) 221-4374 or


Planned Gift

A planned gift can be given by bequest, charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, or blended charitable gifts.

Learn more about planned giving